Who we are

Who we are

Jireh Missions, a catholic team to love and serve Jesus, is a mediocre team working under Coimbatore catholic diocese with a dedicated vision to preach the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15), make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), to intercede for nations and all people (1 Timothy 2:1) and to make prayer warriors (Joel 2:16-17). The team does its mission fervently with this vision majorly among people of other faiths and youth and through media. Furthermore, these are the basic things that our Church teaches when Pope Saint John Paul II says “Evangelization is the supreme duty of every baptized Christian” and when Pope Benedict XVI says “Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering.”

The team does its mission fervently with this vision majorly among people of other faiths and youth and through media. Furthermore, these are the basic things that our Church teaches when Pope Saint John Paul II says “Evangelization is the supreme duty of every baptized Christian” and when Pope Benedict XVI says “Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering.” Also, Pope Francis urges the youth saying “Go, do not be afraid, and serve.” The Lord started speaking about the vision of Jireh Missions since about 1993. The visions that God spoke about the future were unfathomable to human brain. However, since the word that He spoke will not return empty rather accomplishes His purpose, each vision gradually germinated and started growing at its appointed time. The vision in its latent form was making its headway through Bro. Rajesh in his ministry of evangelization, making disciples, interceding for people and raising prayer warriors. The vision took its first form as business unit called Jireh Info Park on May 20, 2000, which now functions as a support unit for ministry.

As Bro. Rajesh was working for God’s kingdom midst of trials and tribulations, circumstances became very difficult that he had a stressful ministerial life. Even though his ministry was at crossroads, he was at a point where he had dedicated his life wholly to God and cannot think of a life without working for God. This tough time made him to sit at Lord’s feet depressed continuously for 12 days from August 1 through 12, 2005, feeling all alone and not knowing how to press on. During these days, the Lord strengthened him with the Word authenticating all the prophecies that He had spoken earlier about His vision. With 25 members from the closer circle, a residential retreat was organized from August 13 through 16, 2005, in which he shared the vision that God spoke to him, and everyone in the retreat received the anointing of Holy Spirit. The Lord unfolded the depth of Micah 4:1 which says “In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised up above the hills. Peoples shall stream to it” and gave spiritual insight into it.



This was the beginning of Jireh Ministries. Though the initial days of the ministry seemed to be small beginnings, Lord made us to rejoice each day as we saw His hand at work. God gradually introduced us to many and doors for ministry were opened. Originally, in our youth meetings around 200 youth will participate, but God has blessed us such that during these days around 3000 youth participate. God has also increased our team and strengthened each and every project. Our team now consists of 6 full-timers,executives and volunteers from various places like Coimbatore, Erode, Namakkal, Pondy, Tuticorin, Mumbai, Kerala and Bangalore, Having experienced God’s marvelous deeds in Jireh Ministries for about 7 years, God has made us to enter into a new covenant. In the Old Testament days, God made a covenant with Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with water and gave rainbow as the sign of His covenant. In the New Testament, God made a new covenant with the people that He will write His words in their hearts and that they will walk in His will; He gave Holy Spirit as the sign of new covenant. In the same manner, God made a new covenant with us promising us new strength, holy life and vehement gospel mission. As a sign of this new covenant, He gave us a new name “Jireh Missions” and a new logo featuring Holy Spirit.





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